Why ORANGES??? Why do I have to act so weird around oranges? Everyone thinks I’m a freak already, and now this!!! How long do I have to ” be patient and nice”? Everyone including my mom think that I have a defect, as if I’m some broken product. If you’re curious, I’ll tell you my story, based on oranges, anger and a whole lot of others.
It all started with me buying those medicines from a doctor.
I am Mark. I have had a speech impediment since I was seven. But that impediment was not the problem. My anger was. After 7 years (of the impediment), I decided to go see a doctor on my strange case: anger. Why my mother did not notice anything wrong with me, was because she was “too busy”, I guess.
That’s the moment when I felt anger burning up inside of myself, this little hot ball of fury just waiting to jut off, and then I ended up taking anger management classes. Now don’t take me wrong, but when I get angry, it gets really weird.I start to unleash my anger on everybody( without speaking), and trust me that’s not a pretty sight to see. My eyes go all squinty and I keep yelling- no, screeching, and it’s very painful.
When all this happened, I started to have a mixed feeling of emotions, mostly anger, as I was shunned out. That’s when I snuck out the house, through the window, to the doctor Peterson, who lived on Elm street. No wonder I was unlucky, as today was Friday the 14th. He gave me an orange, and said, “I understhaand whaths you are going sthrough. Eath this. Now don’ths give me that queer look. I experienceth exacthly the same when I was your age, and this fruith, oho, it solveth aaalll my problems. Have ith. ” he said, slitherily. Or was it just his lisp?