Oh the sea goes by and by,
Never stopping, never stopping
Always on the run.
It seems to stop here and there
Though almost never stopping
Always with the tides.
Oh the sea
It goes places
We’ve never seen before
But it always comes back to us
Not because it misses us so
But because it has to keep up
With itself
Never stopping, busy as it goes
Even more than a businessman
It works, it works
It strives to keep itself clean
But it cannot do so
All because of its friends, the men
It glimmers and shines in the sunlight
But it’s outshone beauty is lost within the trash
Its friends the men have thrown
That beauty outside I’d like to admire isn’t seen
But only lost to never come again
But oh the sea
Never stopping though it seems
Is always there for its friends, the men
And it returns the favour its friends have forgot
It shares its inner helping self
And that is the beauty of the sea
When will we yet realise what we have done to you?
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